Thursday, August 18, 2016

Name Calling

As kids in school we are taught the saying: Sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.

Now this is true if we are looking at the physical body, words wont make scars or break bones. Words do hurt us though, words cause wounds that sometimes never heal. Name calling is one the deepest wounds we can afflict on some one. When some one calls us a name we try to reject it at first, but soon we start to believe it. Eventually we only see ourselves as what those names people have called us, and not what we truly are.

Growing up I've been called a lot of names, it didn't bother me until someone complimented me. The first time I remember getting a compliment from some one I wasn't close with, I had NO CLUE what to say, till my mom told me to say ''thank you''... I had no clue thats what I should say! When I started to date Trey, and he would compliment me, I felt so undeserving of them. At one point I told him to stop complimenting me and I would PREFER it if he insulted me. Needless to say he didn't stop and his attempts to insult me were more laughable than his jokes. I'm getting the hang of receiving compliments, maybe not believing them, but I'm working on it. The problem with this, as I learned today, is that that more you get complimented, the more the insults hurt. I was called a not so lovely name by some one I at one time held in the highest regard. I'm not sure which hurts more, who it came form, or the what she called me. This woman may never know the impact her words have me. I refuse to lower my self to her level and call her names. This is why I chose to not put her name here. Instead I urge you if you have been called names, to not believe them for they aren't true. They are acts of jealousy mostly. So next time some one calls you something take it as the opposite, smile and thank them. For you clearly have something they want, and can not have.
May you all have a wonder full day. <3

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