Thursday, July 14, 2016

Bad Day

This week has been.... well long is an understatement... Work has been busy which is good but stressful for EVERYONE here, any one that knows my boss knows what a "gem" he is when he is stressed out. I haven't been sleeping good at all this week, and i have been stressed about everything. So last night when my car had a melt down and put me on the side of the road for a bit, and then worked like. Nothing had happened i was (still am) upset. I am  MESS. I can say that enough, my hormones are running full speed and I'm here like wait what??? So I apologize if i seem out of it, ill be back on my game next week. I hope you are having a better week.

To end on a positive note, its Thursday and my sister is coming over for dinner. :)

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