Monday, August 11, 2014

Good bye summer

Good bye Summer

       Summer is almost over :( It has been a summer of fun, crummy days, Hard work, beginnings, and ends. 
       I started my summer off with school, I took a Biology class. I have run two goat shows and will run one in September, my friend Ryan helps me to run them. My cousins from Kansas were out here for a couple of weeks and I had fun with them. I spent a week with my aunt and we did all sorts of stuff. I had to end a friendship after 8 years. I helped my family do hay. (Doing hay involves picking up bales of hay from the field then un loading them in the hay loft, generally on really hot days)
      A full summer, that was for most of it good, Thank you to everyone who was in my summer and helped to make it great, from awesome class mates, to Ryan who is always there to help me, to my cousins for being completely adorable, to my aunt for giving great advice.        
Thank You!!!

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